Thursday, November 11, 2010

True Friend in my eyes

When I think of trust, honesty, and inspiring I think of him. He hasn't always lived the perfect life but he always lives it to the fullest everyday that he can.
He hasn't ever betrayed me or my children in anyway. I completely trust in him and in his advice.It wasn't always like that for me. Throughout the years I found it really difficult to trust in anyone but he helped me change that way of thinking.
He has always been there for me when ever I needed anything, even when I needed to the cold hard truth. There were plenty of times that I really didn't want to hear it but he sure would always tell me whether I liked it or not.
He is very ill due to his hard lifestyle long ago. His illness doesn't or hasn't got in his way to live life to the fullest. This past summer he completed a two year long college degree and is still looking forward to take more classes . I think to myself if this man who has kidney problems and has to go through with dialysis on a daily basis then why can't I attend classes and further my education ? I don't have any illnesses to slow me down.
He is my role model, someone I can completely trust, and someone who inspires me to do something with my life. When I think of trust, I think of my bestfriend Roger.

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