Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cause and Effect- rejecting body check

Although there are many changes in the airport security due to security reasons , it won't effect me. I have never nor will I attempt to fly anywhere. I have no reason to do so. I always travel by car. I can only imagine the hassle people have to go through and the staff at the airport have to endore. If it has to be done in order to be protected from any "hidden" dangers before they get on the plane than it has to be done. Everyone is aware of all the other suicide bombers and how they managed to get through security. Why do the passangers make things difficult for everyone else, if you want to fly then you should be more than cooroperative with the security scanners and such.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

10 examples

1.Shannon's brain tumor.
2. There was a little girl that was absent for a week and when she returned wasn't living with her mother and stepfather anymore.
3. There was a big girl who threw up in the bathroom every morning and then disappeared from school.
4.A teachers husband had a heart attack and died.
5. A friend's sister was arrested for selling drugs.
6. A boy I thought I knew, a school clown with a weet crooked grin, shot himself in the woods behind his house.
7. A car full of senoir boys, going home from a dance where I'd been sent into ecstasy when the cutest of them all greeted me by name, rounded a curve too fast and crashed, killing them.
8. And then my bestfrined, a beautiful girl of sixteen, went to sleep one January night and never woke up.
9. A beloved professor lost two children to leukemia.
10.The marriage I entered into with optisim ended in bitter divorce.
1. On he same day my car broke down(again), my refriferator conked out and I learned that I needed root-canel work in my right tooth.
2 The windows in the bedroom were still leaking every time it rained and my son's baby sitter was still failing to show up every time I really needed her.
3. My hair was turning gray and my typewritter was wearing out.
4. The house needed paint and I needed glasses.
5. My son's sneakers were developing holes and I was developing a deep sense of futility.
6. Wood rots, metal rusts, people wrinkle and flowers wither.
7. Children's rooms, left on their own, tend to get messy, not neat.
8. Even mountains wear down; even the nuclei of atoms decay.
9. when the partners are too preoccupied to patch small things up, almost guaranteeing that they will fall apart.
10. A seed soaks up some soil and some carbon and some sunshing and some water and arranges it into a rose.

True Friend in my eyes

When I think of trust, honesty, and inspiring I think of him. He hasn't always lived the perfect life but he always lives it to the fullest everyday that he can.
He hasn't ever betrayed me or my children in anyway. I completely trust in him and in his advice.It wasn't always like that for me. Throughout the years I found it really difficult to trust in anyone but he helped me change that way of thinking.
He has always been there for me when ever I needed anything, even when I needed to the cold hard truth. There were plenty of times that I really didn't want to hear it but he sure would always tell me whether I liked it or not.
He is very ill due to his hard lifestyle long ago. His illness doesn't or hasn't got in his way to live life to the fullest. This past summer he completed a two year long college degree and is still looking forward to take more classes . I think to myself if this man who has kidney problems and has to go through with dialysis on a daily basis then why can't I attend classes and further my education ? I don't have any illnesses to slow me down.
He is my role model, someone I can completely trust, and someone who inspires me to do something with my life. When I think of trust, I think of my bestfriend Roger.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Compare and Contrast


Trust: Pitty: Wondered: Distrust:
Roger Randy Shawn Randy
Paul Chicho Steve Junior

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cure For Cancer

Cancer is one of the most leading cause of death in America. Cancer comes in all forms and types. It isn't prejudice, or doesn't care if you're rich or poor, or if you're young or old. There is no cure for it.I watch the news all the time and they keep saying that researchers might have the cure for cancer but they don't. How much longer before we lose any more precious people in our lives. Is anyone truly safe from it? I don't know a lot about it, but what I do know that it's a death sentence. I've had three people in my life and they all had different types of cancer and they all didn't survive it. I watched my grandmother and my aunt go through chemo and suffered tremendously.It hurts to see them go through this and being totally helpless. So, to all the people who have it or knows someone who does, I wish you the best and keep fighting.I still have faith that one day(sooner then later) that they'll be a cure for it. My prayers will be with you. God bless.